Port Hedland - Greater Region, WA

15,298 residents
116.432 km2

Crime & Safety

Violent Crimes

Calculated per 100,000 residents

Most Peaceful Suburbs


Crime Rate

Safety Rank

out of 2

Port Hedland2,401.41
South Hedland11,008.62

Most Violent Suburbs


Crime Rate

Safety Rank

out of 2

South Hedland11,008.62
Port Hedland2,401.41

Property Crimes

Calculated per 100,000 residents

Most Secure Suburbs


Crime Rate

Safety Rank

out of 2

Port Hedland5,684.91
South Hedland11,144.22

Most Risky Suburbs


Crime Rate

Safety Rank

out of 2

South Hedland11,144.22
Port Hedland5,684.91

Suburbs in Greater Port Hedland

There are 7 suburbs that make up Port Hedland's Greater Region: