Port Augusta - Greater Region, SA

13,515 residents
253.903 km2

Crime & Safety

Violent Crimes

Calculated per 100,000 residents

Most Peaceful Suburbs


Crime Rate

Safety Rank

out of 3

Stirling North572.91
Port Augusta West2,570.42
Port Augusta5,328.53

Most Violent Suburbs


Crime Rate

Safety Rank

out of 3

Port Augusta5,328.53
Port Augusta West2,570.42
Stirling North572.91

Property Crimes

Calculated per 100,000 residents

Most Secure Suburbs


Crime Rate

Safety Rank

out of 3

Stirling North322.21
Port Augusta West6,426.12
Port Augusta13,0033

Most Risky Suburbs


Crime Rate

Safety Rank

out of 3

Port Augusta13,0033
Port Augusta West6,426.12
Stirling North322.21

Suburbs in Greater Port Augusta

There are 12 suburbs that make up Port Augusta's Greater Region: